Upon purchasing this course, you will receive a link to download a zip file containing 6 audio teachings (mp3 format). You will also receive access to corresponding reflection guides and curated YouTube playlists of recommended worship songs to accompany each talk.
The privilege of worship is God’s greatest gift to the human race. It is what will occupy us and delight us for all of eternity in heaven. In our earthly sojourn, it grounds us in deepest reality and fuels our everyday life with meaning and purpose.
In this series of 6 talks, we unpack various facets of worship and what it looks like to participate in each. Each talk ends with a live recording of music-led worship, to demonstrate and create space for exploring (and even experimenting with) these different types of engagement.
6 audio teachings (15-30 minutes each):
Worship as Alignment
Worship as Listening
Worship as Soaking
Worship as Warfare
Spontaneous Worship
The Glory of God
Upon purchasing this full course, you will receive a link to download a zip file containing these 6 audio teachings. You will also receive reflection/discussion guides and a curated YouTube playlist of recommended worship songs to accompany each talk.
For more details, visit the full course page here.