After your purchase, you will receive an email giving you access to an online classroom portal, where you will find the corresponding audio teachings (mp3 format) and course materials, as well as a link to schedule your 3 one-on-one training sessions.
“My sheep hear my voice; I know them, and they follow me.” -John 10:27
Jesus taught that his disciples would readily and easily hear his voice, yet many struggle to grow in intimacy with God, perceiving Him as distant or silent. The Hearing God's Voice course opens participants up to a lifestyle of intimacy with the Lord by teaching the various “languages” God speaks in, how to discern His voice from among other voices, and how to steward ongoing connection with Him. More than a set of teachings, it offers an interactive, hands-on experience where participants have the opportunity to put these tools into practice and receive personal guidance in understanding the unique way God speaks to them.
Audio teaching: “My Sheep Hear My Voice”
3 online interactive training sessions (50 minutes each via Zoom):
The Languages of God: Listening in prayer & basic interpretation
Stewarding Connection: Taking thoughts captive to Christ & pressing into truth
Deepening Intimacy: Exploring the Secret Place; praying with Scripture; journaling with God; being Presence-focused
Audio teaching: Perceiving God’s Presence
Audio teaching: Ushering in God’s Presence
In purchasing this course, you’ll receive the above teachings & training sessions, as well as at-home assignments along the way to practice what you’re learning. You’ll also get connected to recommended resources for further study & exploration.
For more details, visit the full course page here.