course overview
This is a 3-part self-paced electronic course for individual study. Each part consists of an audio teaching (30-60 minutes each) and an accompanying at-home assignment consisting of activities and exercises to help process the content and pursue personal engagement with the gift. Through these carefully crafted elements, the course explores and unpacks the following areas:
UNIT 1: Baptism in the Holy Spirit
UNIT 2: Background on the Gift of Tongues
Its meaning
Its history in Scripture and the Church
The objective/scientific experience of the gift
UNIT 3: Engaging the Gift of Tongues
Its purpose
Use of the gift in praise, singing in the Spirit, intercession, and in a group
The subjective experience and how-to’s of engagement
Purchase The Gift of Tongues Course
$29 for complete course
Course contains 3 audio teachings + 3 guides for reflection and activation