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“Call to me and I’ll answer you, and I will tell you about great and hidden things that you don’t know.” -Jeremiah 33:3

God has given us access to supernatural insight so that we can partner with Him for the sake of the people and situations that surround us. Words of knowledge are an incredibly practical spiritual gift, enabling us to meet the needs of our world with divine solutions, and positioning us to give others an encounter with a God who deeply knows them, sees them, and cares about them. In this interactive course, participants will learn the role and purpose of words of knowledge, become equipped in hearing and identifying them in prayer, and grow in responding to the promptings of the Holy Spirit in order to release the blessings and solutions of heaven in everyday life. Come prepared for an adventure!


Course Overview

  • Audio teaching: Baptism in the Holy Spirit

  • Audio teaching: The Kingdom of God

  • Audio teaching: Supernatural Insight

  • 2 online one-on-one training sessions (50 minutes each via Zoom):

    • Developing Words of Knowledge: Our capacity to operate in this gift; the art of listening for a word; growing in accuracy in what we hear

    • Ministering in Words of Knowledge: What to do when we hear a word — interpreting its significance, following the lead of the Holy Spirit, and taking action

  • Audio teaching: Navigating Surprises and Sensitivities


In purchasing this course, you’ll receive the above teachings & training sessions, as well as at-home assignments along the way to practice what you’re learning. You’ll also get connected to recommended resources for further study & exploration.


This course is self-led and self-paced, with a combination of digital content + real-time interactive meetings online with one of our coaches, who will give you personalized training in the above areas. When you purchase, you'll receive access to an online classroom portal, where you’ll find the corresponding audio teachings and course materials. The portal also contains a link to schedule your 2 training sessions — you’ll be able to choose your coach and conveniently select days and times that work for you, so that you can pace your own experience. (Click here if you wish to preview our coaches’ availability prior to purchase.) You’ll also be able to reschedule online if a conflict arises. Training sessions will take place via Zoom, an online video conferencing platform.


Purchase Words of Knowledge Course

$125 for complete course


Purchase the Words of Knowledge course with one-on-one interactive training from Jim or Jonna. (Course contains 2 online training sessions + 4 audio teachings.)



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