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Hearing God’s Voice

“My sheep hear my voice; I know them, and they follow me.” -John 10:27

Jesus taught that his disciples would readily and easily hear his voice, yet many struggle to grow in intimacy with God, perceiving Him as distant or silent. The Hearing God's Voice course opens participants up to a lifestyle of intimacy with the Lord by teaching the various “languages” God speaks in, how to discern His voice from among other voices, and how to steward ongoing connection with Him. More than a set of teachings, it offers an interactive, hands-on experience where participants have the opportunity to put these tools into practice and receive personal guidance in understanding the unique way God speaks to them.


Course Overview

  • Audio teaching: “My Sheep Hear My Voice”

  • 3 online one-on-one training sessions (50 minutes each via Zoom):

    • The Languages of God: Listening in prayer & basic interpretation

    • Stewarding Connection: Taking thoughts captive to Christ & pressing into truth

    • Deepening Intimacy: Exploring the Secret Place; praying with Scripture; journaling with God; being Presence-focused

  • Audio teaching: Perceiving God’s Presence

  • Audio teaching: Ushering in God’s Presence


In purchasing this course, you’ll receive the above teachings & training sessions, as well as at-home assignments along the way to practice what you’re learning. You’ll also get connected to recommended resources for further study & exploration.


This course is self-led and self-paced, with a combination of digital content + real-time interactive meetings online with one of our coaches, who will give you personalized training in the above areas. When you purchase, you'll receive access to an online classroom portal, where you’ll find the corresponding audio teachings and course materials. The portal also contains a link to schedule your 3 training sessions — you’ll be able to choose your coach and conveniently select days and times that work for you, so that you can pace your own experience. (Click here if you wish to preview our coaches’ availability prior to purchase.) You’ll also be able to reschedule online if a conflict arises. Training sessions will take place via Zoom, an online video conferencing platform.


Purchase Hearing God's Voice Course

$125 for complete course


Purchase the Hearing God’s Voice course with one-on-one interactive training from Jim or Jonna. (Course contains 3 online training sessions + 3 audio teachings.)



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 Hearing God’s Voice was a phenomenal experience and brought much joy and comfort to me, as well as knowledge and affirmation. The instruction and information I learned was soundly scripturally based and the teaching methods were effective and interesting. I think the knowledge presented was exactly what is missing in our churches today. I am confident I am hearing God’s voice now and much more able to discern what I am hearing. I also learned new and scriptural ways to hear God’s voice. What a comfort to absolutely know the Holy Spirit and the Father in a much clearer way and feel His presence at all times!!”

“[The Hearing God’s Voice course] reignited my desire to be in a relationship with God. More than the ‘fuzzy-feeling-I-should-probably-do-this’ shame-based ‘should,’ it practically reminded me that God loves me and wants to speak to my heart EVERY DAY. Going over the material and talking with Jonna through what’s true and what’s a lie, what’s God’s voice and what isn’t, continues to shed light into my heart, allowing me to begin to take baby risks and trust that God is who Jesus says He is in scripture – a good, loving Father who wants nothing more than for me to be with Him. In every moment I am good, loved, and enough, and it is His desire to tell me that in unique ways each day. I believe that now. I want to be a part of the revival as a result of the course!”

“It was refreshing to meet others who are pursuing a life with the Holy Spirit and respond to the voice of the Lord so willingly. I will take the many notes with me in prayer for months to come and cannot wait for a continued relationship with Holy [Spirit] as I move into deeper prayer with what I have gained through Catholic Revival Ministries. Personally, I have received healing in areas that have impacted me for the past four years and am incredibly thankful to CRM for providing means to that healing.”

Hearing God’s Voice provides the tools and intentionality to become closer to God’s plan for you. If you are searching for ways to make an impact, this program helps you realize that the focus begins inward in developing your communication with Jesus in order to project your special gifts outward in a meaningful way to others around you.”

“The [Hearing God’s Voice] course was a blessing, uncovering the lies I believed about God and what He expected of me. Your prayer life will really change afterwards, so think twice before you take this course. :)”