Posts in Revival Culture
The Fruits of the Kerygma

When we talk about the kerygma, I think that there are three aspects of it that we need to understand. In the first place, there is the message that makes up the content of the kerygmatic proclamation. Second, this proclamation is intended to produce a particular response on the part of the hearer. Finally, when this message is met with its intended response, we can expect to see certain fruits in that person's life.

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The Path to Unity

I had the privilege recently to participate in Azusa Now, a massive gathering of Christians who came together to pray for unity and for a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit in our day. In honor of this day and the many beautiful expressions of reconciliation that took place at Azusa Now, I wanted to take a look at the topic of Christian unity and what it looks like to pursue this end which weighed heavily on the heart of Christ, even on the eve of his impending crucifixion and death

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Against the Charge of Evangelical "Emotionalism"

Catholic culture leans heavily towards traditionally left-brain traits that value fact, analysis, and structure. By contrast, large segments of the Evangelical world that have embraced more right-brain, relational approaches to ministry are seeing significantly better results in the areas of evangelism and discipleship. Despite the evidence, many Catholics remain resistant to the idea of adopting Evangelical approaches or learning from their methods.

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What People Care About

There is a maxim of evangelization that I have often heard and used over the years that goes, "People don't care how much you know until they know how much you care." The saying is helpful as far as it goes, as it points would-be evangelizers to the necessity of building a relationship of trust with others through kindness and love before bombarding them with information. But there's still a bit of a false premise hidden in the statement.

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Pursuing Victory

I had one goal when starting out this series of posts - to end the Catholic love affair with suffering, at least in the minds of some. In this final post (4/4), I want to focus on how to live a victorious Christian lifestyle. This is not a formula - all of this must flow out of a living, breathing relationship with Christ - but is meant to provide certain guideposts for pursuing the victory that Jesus has already won and wishes to extend to us.

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