Catholic culture leans heavily towards traditionally left-brain traits that value fact, analysis, and structure. By contrast, large segments of the Evangelical world that have embraced more right-brain, relational approaches to ministry are seeing significantly better results in the areas of evangelism and discipleship. Despite the evidence, many Catholics remain resistant to the idea of adopting Evangelical approaches or learning from their methods.
Read MoreIn this series on inviting the act of faith and what Catholics can learn from Evangelicals on the subject, I want to take a look at a common Evangelical doctrine that is often referenced in conjunction with the invitation to faith. This is the "once saved, always saved" doctrine. In short, this doctrine says that once one has made the act of faith, once one has given their life to Christ and accepted him as savior, one's status as "saved" can never be lost. (Post 3/8 on "Inviting the Act of Faith")
Read MoreWhen we consider justification (being made right with God), there are two agents involved - God and man. And there are two actions involved, one proper to each of these. On the part of man, there is the act of faith. But faith in itself is incapable of producing justification for it is an act of man* (albeit one that is made possible by grace). Justification requires an action on God's part, an action that actually produces the change in man. Justification happens when the faith of man is met by the justifying action of God. (Post 2/8 on "Inviting the Act of Faith")
Read MoreThis post is intended to be the first in a series of posts on faith. Two things have led me to embark on this project. The first has to do with the problem that Sherry Weddell highlighted in her book Forming Intentional Disciples, namely that your average Catholic is unaware of the importance and necessity of making an explicit act of faith in Jesus Christ. The second inspiration behind this series comes from my love of listening to certain Evangelical sermon podcasts and considering their approach to inviting this act of faith. (Post 1/8 on "Inviting the Act of Faith")
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