“The weapons of our battle are not of the flesh, but are enormously powerful, capable of destroying strongholds.” -1 Corinthians 10:4

Prayer changes things. We see this evidenced in the lives of Jesus’ disciples, as they turned the world upside down healing, delivering, and changing circumstances in miraculous ways. As fellow disciples, our prayers are meant to carry this same power and effectiveness. We, too, are meant to turn this world upside down, bringing God’s restoration to all that we touch. But how do we do it?

Praying with power is part of our calling and spiritual DNA, but it’s not necessarily something we all know how to do. But the good news is: it can be learned. Just as the disciples spent time walking with Jesus and learning his ways, with a bit of intentionality and practice, we too can learn how to walk in the spiritual power and authority we carry in Christ.

This workshop is an opportunity to receive a boost in that direction. It’s a 90-minute crash-course in learning how to pray with confidence and spiritual authority as sons and daughters of God.

With a strong emphasis on the practical, in this workshop, Jim and Jonna:

  • teach the biblical truths about your authority in Christ

  • give you principles and language to help you articulate prayer confidently in your own words

  • equip you with a simple 3-step model to follow when praying for someone

  • provide a safe space for you to practice praying with others who are learning as well — free from pressure and the fear of imperfection


This workshop is able to be conducted as an in-person event or as an online event (done live via Zoom). Due to the interactive nature of the experience, space is limited when conducted as an online event.



Interested in hosting a Power Prayer Workshop for your group? Contact us to inquire further details or to set up a discovery call!