Supernatural Commission

We, as believers, have received access to the supernatural power of the Almighty God. We are tapped into something that goes beyond the restrictions of this natural world. What we bring to the table ought to look different than that which comes from limited human strength. It ought to look extravagant, other-worldly, impossible.

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From Franchise to Family

As I look around the landscape of Christianity today, I notice that many of the churches having the greatest impact tend to have this in common: there is a strong family dynamic present at their core. This has been a point of intrigue for me, and I’ve been exploring the value of a family-based model in the overall health and effectiveness of the church. In our Catholic parishes, we often use the language of family, but if we look at the specifics, I think it’s more accurate to say we function much more like franchises than families.

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Embracing a Power-Filled Gospel

While Jesus was an excellent teacher and admirable role model, the fruit of His life should do more for us than provide teachings, principles, and guideposts for life. That fruit is valuable, but it’s the kind of fruit that mere men leave behind, not Saviors. Not the Son of God. Not the One who defeated death once and for all.

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Understanding “This Cultural Moment”

We should not allow ourselves to give in to a doom-and-gloom perspective of where things stand today, nor should we embrace hyperbolic slogans that claim this to be the worst period in history. Not all churches are dying; many are thriving and growing. Once we cast off the narrative of inevitable decline, there is every reason to believe that we may be standing on the edge of the next great awakening.

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More Than History Keepers

Innovation is part of our birthright. We are designed for the here-and-now relationship with the Lord, and He has things to say to us TODAY — about today, about tomorrow, about the coming generations, and about how it is we are to shape the world for them. Whether it’s from a platform or within our local communities and families, God’s Kingdom is meant to advance through us. And advancement, like all growth, involves new things.

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